Sefa Kandemir

Kocaeli / Türkiye

We are present wherever there is a car.

Eğitim Durumu: Gazi Üniversitesi - Mühendislik Fakültesi

Görevi: Editör

Vatandaşlık: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti

Yaş: 27

American electric vehicle startup Rivian introduced its new electric SUV models, which are signif...

BMW and Mercedes plan to install at least a thousand supercharging stations by the end of 2026 wi...

The all-electric Renault 5 has managed to collect 50 thousand pre-orders worldwide, even though o...

Renault CEO Fabrice Cambolive said that they plan to launch both electric and gasoline hybrid car...

The subscription system implemented by Jeep with Budget is preparing to provide its customers wit...

Apple recently announced that it has canceled the 10-year secret Apple Car project. Now, reports ...

Elon Musk announced the introduction and delivery dates of the Roadster model, which Tesla has be...

Renault CEO Luca de Meo said that cars in Europe are big and expensive. According to the CEO, bra...

Renault introduced the '5 E-Tech' 100 percent electric model at the 91st Geneva International Mot...

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