Tue, Nov 5, 2024

Formula 1 Teams Are Concerned About Tires Being Affected by Temperature

Formula 1 Teams Are Concerned About Tires Being Affected by Temperature

Formula 1 teams are worried about tire performance due to the low temperatures expected at the Las Vegas GP at the weekend. 

The races on Sunday will start at 22:00 Nevada time. Temperatures are expected to drop below 10 degrees and stay at 5 degrees during the races that will last all night. 

Temperatures at these levels can affect tire performance. Making a statement on the subject, Mercedes track engineering director Shovlin said, "It depends on exactly how cold the weather is." 

"Usually the track temperature drops to single digits in the area where winter testing takes place." 

"At this point it is very difficult for the tires to achieve the desired performance and sometimes you have to wait until the weather warms up a bit. So it will be interesting to actually race in these conditions and have a qualifying session." 

"You're just trying to identify the risks on the new circuit, working out what the contingencies are going to be, whether you need any car features to deal with that. We're reviewing that at the moment." 

"But as I said, it's hard to know how the tires will work if the track is very cold." said. 

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